Why We Exist


Hunger is often not a food problem; it’s a logistics problem. Approximately 15-30% of food in emerging economies is wasted. Each year billions of pounds of food go to waste, while 1 in 4 people are malnourished. Food banking systems capture surplus food and deliver it to the people who need it most, engaging all sectors of society (governments, business, and civil) in the process. Food banks acquire donated food, much of which would otherwise be wasted, from farms, manufacturers, distributors, retail stores, consumers, and other sources, making it available to those in need through an established network of community agencies. These agencies include school feeding programs, food pantries, soup kitchens, AIDS and TB hospices, substance abuse clinics, after-school programs, and other nonprofit programs that provide food to the hungry.      

“During COVID-19, we’ve had to pivot. It has been tough logistically, but a lot of counsel has come from GFN and learning from other food banks.”

Ankit Kawatra

Founder and Director, Feeding India by Zomato

Take Action

Food banking is a proven solution for nourishing communities through dedicated and unified action. Join us in creating a global network of food banks that empowers the world to defeat hunger.