Offering Growing Food Banks the Tools to Flourish and Thrive
GFN accelerates the impact of our network food banks by offering capacity-building programs to drive enhanced efficiency, accelerated scalability, and significantly increase nutritious food distribution.
This is made possible by our team’s extensive knowledge of proven strategies for expanded scope and sustainable approaches to common food banking challenges in multiple countries. We also offer grants to aid food banks in these capacity-building efforts. This program continues to thrive and show astounding results in the fight against hunger.
In 2021, GFN’s capacity-building grants program provided safe and nutritious food for more than 39 million people. Although this is an incredible feat, we will not be satisfied until our world is free from hunger. We will continue to increase capacity for food banks in the most viable ways possible.
“Through GFN’s grant program, we were able to secure purchasing power, and their technical support enabled us to think innovatively and respond quickly.”
Keumji Ko
Assistant Manager, Korea Foodbank, Korea National Council on Social Welfare
Food banking is a proven solution for nourishing communities through dedicated and unified action. Join us in creating a global network of food banks that empowers the world to defeat hunger.